Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back to Nature

I have been very pensive in posting the following poem. It is not that it is controversial, but it is more personal. I have often felt the desire to abandon the world, society, and material possessions for a simple, even monastic life. This piece of work is more about returning to a simple animal-like lifestyle.

I'm getting out of that zone
Leaving behind my creature comforts and returning to the real world
Feeling Animalistic
Back to the Basics
and free
My primeval revival is at hand
Bowing to the clay I press my hands firmly to the cool surface
I scrap my nails against the ground, tearing up my coverless abode
I shed the fur of civilization from my body
I feel the cover of nature as the protection over my now natural form
On this day the beast is all that remains
I have no name
I have no assets
Leaving behind these crushing means of identity I am now peacefully alone
My coat of fabric is now replaced with clay and hair
I miss neither family or friend
in my singular solidarity I am now satisfied
I am feeling animalistic
In my final adaptation I abandon
My words

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My Brothers

You say that you have a concern for my soul
You say that the injustice that you see day to day is of great concern to you
You cry to your God, “Break my heart for what breaks yours!” then you leave your churches and continue on with your week unaffected by your emotional experience at your Palace of worship
You have stepped by me each and every day
All the while I am alone and cold
Give me a blanket and cover my nakedness
Give me soup and fill my stomach
Give me a bed and shelter
I am the bastard of society; the illegitimate son of your apathy
You have ignored me and I feel your eyes turn from me
I am humanity at its best description
My bloodshot eyes and shaking palms are crying out for the love of a savior to be demonstrated in MY life
Will you show me Christ through your actions?
Or will you just be another passerby
“Whatever you have done for the least of these, it is as if you have done it for me.”

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Christian Hipster

Cause my demise. Youth, strength, and a belief that nothing can stop me are my weaknesses. I was not made for your social systems. I was not made to envy or desire the most recent commercialized items. I was not made for financial success or even financial security! My leathery soles do not grow weary when forced to traverse cement jungles. My mouth does not crave the poison you entice the masses with through the sensual media. My veins run pure along with my views.
You can't touch me! I was made for more then you. Where you lack I am over cumbered. It is love you lack. The embracing arms of a mother, the kindness of a neighbor and the mercy of a Savior. These are the gifts that I possess! I cannot keep them to myself, despite your threats! I will continue one in my pursuit of a pure public system and a righteous society. I will not keep silent or restrain my gifts. I am so much more then you can handle; you just can't handle this.

I stand in opposition to society, not that I am anti-trend or anti-mainstream, but I am pro-love I refuse to accept the idea that I am incapable of abstaining from sensual society, which deems to us what love is, yet that is in opposition to what the Word of God tells me. I believe that I have been called to something great, through Christ. In that calling I will be given strength to do as Christ has called me, and in that I abandon the hopes of a comfortable life. My comfort is found in Christ. I do not want to bow to society as the standard of which I am to set myself, and I believe that I am called to save people from this society. To show people Christ and the love that He so freely gives is my life's calling, and through that change will come, one life at a time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Midnight Journey to the Voice of God

I went for a journey late last night; a journey that would take me to places of fear, frustration, emotional tranquility, and spiritual guidance. Now, listen to the story of my expedition.
It was a good night for a walk, as good as any I suppose. I admittedly disregard the weather or time of night when I feel the need to clear my over cumbered mind in a cool night breeze. I had spent my day in my usual form of participating in various activities that serve no consequence or purpose to life or the world around me, often reflecting on issues that leave me stagnant and unable to move forward to a place of purpose. I brought my issues before friends who have gained understanding through experiences of their own and before the Creator who speaks in ways I find so easy to ignore.  Now, I leave my abode to step into the blackness of nightfall.
It was a warm night, far too warm to be wearing the flannel shirt that I had decided to sport. I began my walk surly, as I had a thousand times before. Tonight was meant to be different; I had set out to seek the voice of God. As I trudged to the ocean side walkway I noticed the obvious, it was very crowded for the hour at hand, and the walkway was full of delinquent youth and others of ill-repute. The low, hypnotic thumping that echoed down the streets gave me the feeling of fear. Often, I would find myself throwing a glance over my shoulder as a means of assuring myself of safety. My frustration grew, “How can I find the voice of God in this mess?” It seems, if anything, a prophetic question given the current state of my psyche and soul. As my journey progressed my feet stepped from pavement on the familiar beaten path of the marsh side walkway. At this point I had passed the juvenile crowds and was in a place where only wind and cars created distractions. I crossed the road to have a seat on the stone barrier that kept the sea from the street that scared the coastline. I have little tolerance for the developed world. I would much rather be placed upon a quieter beach with less human interference. I sat and sought.
            I had such a heavy heart. I was torn between the advice given to me by the counsel of the godly and my heart. I needed to hear from the Living God, who indeed has all the answers. Tears wet my face as I began my prayer. I spoke aloud my concerns and questions. It was still noisy. I sat and tried to listen for God’s voice in the wind, or squeal of a tire. I saw in the horizon the rotation of a lighthouse, which I wanted to be a sign from God. I wanted something that would be concrete, something I could hold on too. As I sat there the world grew silent for a moment, the horizon appeared only as a two dimensional painting of a man made creation, and the sound of human creation ceased. All was still, with the sound of wind blowing in my ear and the sound of a lonely seagull who I assume was making his prayers and request known to his Creator as well. I felt God’s gentle caress over my heart in this moment, “My son. I am still here with you. You have sat here with your sorrows and frustrations, crying out to me. I have listened, and I am still here with you. Your questions all have answers, but not answers that you will know right now. Your problems all have solutions, but where would you be if you never worked through your past problems. In your weakness I will make you stronger. Do not fear. I am with you.” As quickly as the quiet had come, it had left.
My journey was over. I returned to my room and digested the events of the evening, understanding that God is still and always with me.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Along my path (a prayer)

I wish to You that I could find your voice in this yelling, crowded mind that is paraded around this all to dark town. I try to listen but am unable to hear past my daily trials. GOD! Pull this knife from my back and dry my tears! Betrayed I have been. Is this how you feel each time I dare neglect the love you have shown me? Forgive my oppressive disregard for you! It is you I strive for and not others. In my striving I pray that doors will continue to lead me down the paths that You, Oh my God, have laid out for my seemingly ineffective existence. Make me lowly, and if that be through pain and frustration then SO BE IT! Kill my body for the sake of my soul if need be. Just don't let me fall into the far to degrading arms of the damned one. He sends out his dogs to nip at my raw, bleeding feet. By Your name, crush them under your feet! I run to your embrace and seek refuge from my trials, even though darkness and pain...You are here.