Sunday, September 4, 2011

Along my path (a prayer)

I wish to You that I could find your voice in this yelling, crowded mind that is paraded around this all to dark town. I try to listen but am unable to hear past my daily trials. GOD! Pull this knife from my back and dry my tears! Betrayed I have been. Is this how you feel each time I dare neglect the love you have shown me? Forgive my oppressive disregard for you! It is you I strive for and not others. In my striving I pray that doors will continue to lead me down the paths that You, Oh my God, have laid out for my seemingly ineffective existence. Make me lowly, and if that be through pain and frustration then SO BE IT! Kill my body for the sake of my soul if need be. Just don't let me fall into the far to degrading arms of the damned one. He sends out his dogs to nip at my raw, bleeding feet. By Your name, crush them under your feet! I run to your embrace and seek refuge from my trials, even though darkness and pain...You are here.

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